Saturday, July 08, 2006

Deb Frisch and Jeff Goldstein

I don't have a lot of time for blogging. It's not that I don't think my views are important, but I am bit more fact-oriented than that, and, when doing I have the time I tend to focus on other things.

Pretty much each day, I read selected sites. I read Drudge, for breaking news. WaPo, NYT, WSJ; NRO, Andrew Sullivan, like that. I also read Michelle Malkin, not because I think so highly of her stuff but because the far right interests me.

Anyway, today, Michelle had a post about a guy named Jeff Goldstein who had a denial of service attack in conjunction with some gal making pornographic comments about his child. So, I followed up on that.

Obviously, this woman should not have said these things. Just in general people should not make death threats or child porn threats. Of course, it can actually be dangerous. But I've seen it before; it's usually people who for one reason or another have lost control of themselves. In other words, it's not dangerous but it's still disgusting and legitimate source of shame.

But I also think I would leave it there. Apparently, this woman has already lost her job as a result of this; what more is useful? Money? Please. Jail. Double please. I hope she gets help, I think she needs it. I wouldn't go after it.

On the other hand, I don't know what Jeff Goldstein is going to do. As a father, I can recall when my kids were little how I would have reacted as he did: by, apparently, making a federal case of it. However, now that the perp and her circumstances should be pretty obvious to any observer who isn't blind; I'd let it go. There's no point in being impolite to a woman who insists she has balls.

The other thing I can't help but note is that too many people in the blogosphere take themselves way, way, too seriously.

Peace out.


At 10:50 PM, Blogger Serr8d said...

You know, I didn't know a thing about Protein Wisdom until last Sunday afternoon. I was looking around for a way to put a .pps file into my blog (which has been up for 2 months) and ran across this big mess...

It's better than reality TV (which I don't watch, so that doesn't make any sense), but not better than Monday Night Football...

At 11:40 PM, Blogger Steve said...

I had never heard of Jeff Goldstein, either, which may go to the point of how unimportant all of this is.

Jeff seems like a nice guy, but the name protein wisdom sounds a bit odd to me, sounds like some kind of cult. I don't know, maybe it's some Pynchon thing. But what's in a name?

My experience with blogs, or other types of interactivity on the web, is that it's a temporary thing, the urge comes and goes. It does boggle my mind a little bit that so many people seem to use it merely to pass the time and vent hostility. I guess it's better than doing it to the family.


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