Tuesday, July 11, 2006

An Odd Silence Amid Bloody Fantasies of Revenge

I have noticed since the release of the latest videotape, showing the desecrated and mutilated remains of the 2 American GI's in Mahmoudiya, that the right wing has been rather quiet on related matters, and unwilling to say anything explicit about the charges against 5 Americans for the rape, murder and desecration (by burning) of an Iraqi family. Granted, the jihadists may be attempting an ex post facto justification. But why not at least mention the terrible accusation against our own soldiers? Perhaps they are afraid of being accused of moral equivalence.

Meanwhile, the right wing is seething, and insists that we wreak a terrible vengeance on any and all Iraqis who may have had a hand in this outrage against our troops. I will leave it to your imagination as to how they would react if, say, their neighbor's family was raped, murdered, and desecrated .....


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